# Firmware update Electra One mkII

To ensure that your Electra One MIDI Controller remains up to date, it is important to regularly apply firmware updates. Below, you will find detailed step-by-step instructions on how to update your controller with the latest firmware.


If you encounter any issues during the firmware update, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via our forum chat or email. We are happy assist you.

# The firmware update procedure

# 1. Download the latest firmware file

Click the button below to download the latest version of the firmware. The downloaded file will be named "firmware-vx.x.x.srec.zip". Unzip the file and ensure that you have the "firmware-vx.x.x.srec" file saved and accessible for future use.

version 3.6.1 (22 April 2024)

# 2. Connect your controller to the computer

Connect your Electra One mkII controller to the computer using the USB cable. Make sure that the computer is the same one where you downloaded the firmware file.

# 3. Switch to the bootloader mode

When the controller is powered on, press and hold the right-bottom [MENU] button. While keeping the [MENU] button pressed, briefly click the top-left [SECTION 1] button. Finally, release the right-bottom [MENU] button.

Switching to the bootloader

When done correctly, the bootloader menu page will be shown:

Electra One bootloader

# 4. Enable the USB Disk option

Tap the green button that says "Enable USB Disk" on the controller screen. After tapping it, the button will display "USB Disk enabled". Your Electra One controller should now be recognized as a USB disk named "ELECTRA" on your computer.

Electra One USB disk

# 5. Copy the update file to the boot folder

Copy the "firmware-vx.x.x.srec" file that you downloaded in step 1 to the "boot" folder on the Electra One disk. Please be aware that this process may take a moment to complete.

Electra One update copied

Once the file has finished uploading, close Finder (Mac OS) or File Explorer (Windows), and safely eject the disk.

# 6. Reload the list of firmware images

After copying the file to the boot folder on the Electra One, press and hold the right-bottom [MENU] button. While keeping the [MENU] button pressed, tap the restart button on the screen.

The bootloader will be restarted and the firmware-vx.x.x firmware will be displayed in the list of firmware images.

# 7. Apply the update

Tap on the blue tile with the uploaded firmware file, labeled "firmware-vx.x.x".

The firmware update will be initiated, and upon successful completion, the controller will start up and run the new firmware.

# Notes

  1. The firmware update typically takes approximately 30 to 40 seconds. If the process exceeds this timeframe, it indicates that something is not functioning properly. In such cases, it is advisable to perform a power recycle on the controller.
  2. Unnecessary and outdated firmware image files can be safely deleted from the boot directory on the ELECTRA disk.
  3. Please ignore files starting with "._", they are created by the MacOS operating system and they cannot be used to update the controller.